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List of Prime Minister of India from 1947 to 2022

What is Love?

Have you ever read about a Japanese dog ‘Hachiko’. It’s known for his passionate faith and love towards his master. He had been taken as a pet by an agricultural professor and their daily routine was to greet the master in the railway station where he left for his work. The dog would wait till evening and took the master back home. This was happening for a year and one day the master didn’t return and the dog was given away to other person. But the dog escaped from them and came to the railway station and waited for him for nine years and died at the same place.  I often wonder how this entire world is being driven without any pause. Everyone believes in some spirit that takes their life along a predetermined path. The spirit may be god, money, power, etc, which rule this world according to ones belief. But for me, the spirit is love. Can anyone define love in a sentence, or phrase, or paragraph?   Can it be defined as an emotion of strong affection towards something or som

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God sees everything we do.....

GOD'S GAZE A man was walking along a secluded road with his young son. On the way, he found a golden chain lying on the road. He knew that it belonged to some earlier traveller but decided to steal it. He looked all around him to confirm that no one was watching his action. He picked up the precious chain and put it into his pocket. As they continued the journey the son asked him innocently, "Daddy, you looked all around you before picking up the chain. But why didn't you look upwards?" The innocent words of the child enlightened him. He realized that these words echoed the whisper of his conscience. He confessed, "I should have looked upwards - to heaven - and sought the will of God who was watching me. I have sinned." Transformed by his son's words, he entrusted the chain to the officer in the nearest police station. God sees everything we do. Wherever we go, he is watching us with affection. God sees what happens everywhere, He watches ev