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Showing posts with the label dubai

Dubai to Welcome Tourists With Mandatory Tests and Tracking App – Or a DH 10,000 Fine

British tourists will be soon able to holiday in Dubai again, as the UAE prepares to throw open its doors to holidaymakers following one of the strictest lockdowns in the world. From July 7, tourists will be able to travel to Dubai, but they will have to meet a raft of stringent conditions or face heavy fines. About 1.5 million Brits visit the UAE every year, but the Covid-19 lockdown saw an almost complete shutdown of the tourist destination, with just a handful of flights repatriating citizens to their home countries. Visitors will now have to get themselves tested for Covid-19 no more than 72 hours before their flight, privately in the UK, and arrive in the Emirates equipped with a certificate showing they have swabbed negative - or they’ll face testing and self-quarantine on arrival. They’ll also be made to download a government’s tracing app to their mobile phone.  Those who don't follow the strict guidelines could see their holiday costs increase dras...